


Bhadradri Kothagduem District is having 479 Gram Panchayats covering 21 Mandals including 2 Gram Panchayats proposed for Municipalities (SARAPAKA, BHADRACHALAM.) 453 Panchayat Secretaries have been working for the 479 Head Quarter Gram Panchayats.

The main object of the Panchayat Raj Department is to provide civic amenities to the rural public.


Departmental Activities

1.civic amenities to the rural public.
2. Sanitation, 
3. Drinking Water Supply, 
4. Street Lighting and to take up developmental activities in and around the village according to funds availability.


Civic amenities:

Sanitation, Drinking Water Supply, Street Lighting and to take up developmental activities in and around the village according to funds availability.

Besides, that this Department is taken up different activities as entrusted by the District Administration and by the Government .


Income sources of the Gram Panchayat :

House Tax, Fishery Leases, Avenues, Market kisties, Aseelu, Layout and building fee, Kabela etc., The Government have been releasing Grants under 14th Finance Commission regularly to the Gram Panchayats to take up developmental activities as per guidelines issued there under.

The Panchayat Secretary set up was introduced by the Government in the year 2002 and their job chart was designed vide G.O.Ms.No.295,PR and RD Dt.2007. The immediate superior officer for the Panchayat Secretary is Extension Officer(PR and RD) and he has to ensure that the administration in the Gram Panchayat is in order and in accordance with Law and provisions.

The next level hierarchy is Divisional Panchayat Officer and then District Panchayat Officer. They will inspect the Gram Panchayats periodically and see that the administration of such Gram Panchayats are in order.

There is every need to augment the resources of the Gram Panchayats to meet the daily needs of sanitation, drinking water supply and street lighting which are mandatory to provide to the general public residing in rural areas.

For this, the Gram Panchayats have to levy Drainage Cess and Lighting cess , advertisement Tax on hoardings erected in the limits of the Gram Panchayats.

          SI.NO                  NAME          DESIGNATION     CONTACT NUMBER
            1       Sri. V. CHANDRA MOULI            DPO      9440971210

District Panchayat Officer,

 Bhadradri kothagudem District.